Online shopping has become the norm these days, especially as many of us continue to stay home during the COVID-19 pandemic. From groceries to electronics, we can get virtually (pun intended) everything delivered to our doorsteps.
In line with the rise of e-commerce, HDB has developed a new digital solution in partnership with heartland retailers to transform their business models. The new solution comes in the form of two complementary mobile applications – RetailerLink and ShopperLink – to help heartland retailers go digital and enhance the heartland shopping experience for residents. Both applications are available for HDB retailers and shoppers at no cost!
An Enhanced Shopping Experience
The new ShopperLink app provides residents who visit HDB malls with more shopping options at their convenience.
Beyond a listing of stores and the products/ services, the app gives shoppers access to the latest deals at their fingertips. New product launches and promotions can be viewed at a glance when shoppers launch the app. Better yet, the app enables shoppers to follow their favourite stores, so that they can keep tabs on any updates.

Frequent shoppers will appreciate the exclusive rewards programme tailored to their individual preferences. From gift redemptions to parking credits, it is easy to track and manage rewards within the ShopperLink app.
To facilitate a more personalised and efficient shopping experience, the ShopperLink app also offers a chat messaging function between retailers and shoppers. Shoppers can enquire about product availability before dropping by the store, make reservations at their favourite restaurant, or even schedule appointments – all within the same app.

Trialing the ShopperLink App at Oasis Terraces

To prepare for wide-scale implementation of the new digital solution, HDB will be trailing the RetailerLink and ShopperLink apps at Singapore’s first New-Generation Neighbourhood Centre (NGNC), Oasis Terraces.
Through HDB’s active efforts in engaging and getting retailers on board, almost 90% tenants at Oasis Terraces now have a digital shopfront containing their shop information and product/ service offerings on the ShopperLink app.

The beta version of the ShopperLink app is available for download via both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store from 25 January 2021. Shoppers who visit Oasis Terraces can download the app for free to enjoy all the above benefits!
HDB will be gathering users’ feedback and incorporating them during further updates of the app. The app will be progressively rolled out to other NGNCs such as Buangkok Square and Canberra Plaza, as well as other HDB malls later this year.