HDB car parks let motorists park close to their home or workplace for a flat monthly charge. From eligibility to application, we’ve gathered all the information in this guide to purchase HDB season parking for your vehicle!
What is HDB Season Parking?
HDB season parking provides for long-term parking at HDB car parks. It is sold on a calendar month basis and can be renewed electronically.
What are the HDB Season Parking Rates?
Rates can be found on the HDB InfoWEB. Before we delve into rates, there are a few terms to take note of:
- Tier 1 season parking rate: Residents who are registered flat owners, occupants or tenants living in the HDB precinct served by the car park.
- Tier 2 season parking rate: Residents’ subsequent cars, and all cars of non-residents.
- Sheltered car parks: Multi-storey car parks, landscape-deck car parks, semi-basement car parks, basement car parks and sheltered car parks.
- Special precincts: Grouping of surface and sheltered car parks.
- Commercial vehicles: Vehicles used for commercial businesses (such as vans, lorries and other light goods vehicles), exceeding 1,800kg in unladen weight. For such vehicles parking in a sheltered car park, its maximum unladen/ laden weight must not exceed 2,000kg. These vehicles must also be able to fit in the parking lot.

How is HDB Season Parking allocated?
As HDB car parks are primarily meant for HDB residents, the prioritisation of parking allocation ensures fair distribution of parking lots. While there are car parks with low occupancy rates, there are also others with high occupancy rates. At HDB car parks with high demand, not all vehicle owners will be able to obtain season parking. Hence, applicants are split into 3 different priority groups:
- 1st Priority
This is for the first vehicle owned by any one of the following persons:
- HDB flat owners, authorised occupier and approved tenants of whole flats
- Registered tenants of HDB commercial and industrial premises
- Market and hawker stallholders
- Employees of HDB shops/ offices
- First company-registered vehicle of HDB flat owners, tenants and authorised occupants.
Applications and renewals begin from the first day of the month. HDB season parking is based on a first-come, first-served basis. So be sure to apply or renew the moment it opens for application!
- 2nd Priority
This includes the second and subsequent vehicles owned by HDB flat owners, tenants, authorised occupants and registered shop tenants. If you own a second vehicle, you can only apply or renew for its season parking from the 18th of each month.
- 3rd Priority
Residents who don’t own the vehicle that they’re applying season parking for, as well as tenants of rooms of flats and non-residents fall within this group. Applications or renewal begins the 21st of each month.
How do I apply for HDB Season Parking?
Now that you know what HDB season parking is about, who can apply and how much it costs, you can start the application process!
Visit the “Application for New Season Parking” e-Service. Once you’re logged in with your SingPass, simply fill in the required details. You can also apply via the Mobile@HDB app, which can be downloaded on the iOS App Store or Google Play Store. You can pay via credit card (Visa or MasterCard) or direct debit (onlyDBS, UOB, OCBC and Standard Chartered Bank).
If you’re applying for season parking at a car park with a high occupancy rate, you may also need to submit the following items for verification:
Items to Submit | Applicable to |
Business Registration Certificate | Applicants who are registered shop tenants of HDB commercial or industrial locations. |
Letter from company | Applicants who drive company registered vehicles home or drive a company car home and are an employee of a car rental company. |
Letter from taxi organisation | Applicants who drive taxis home. |
How do I renew HDB Season Parking?
Renewal is done completely online. Simply head over to the “Renewal of Season Parking” e-Service and search for your car park. The same service is available on the Mobile@HDB app and AXS payment channels.
Remember, renew as early as possible to secure a parking spot. To help you renew your season parking on time regularly, you can opt for automatic renewal via GIRO which gives you a 2% rebate for each successful transaction. Alternatively, you can opt for recurring credit card payment and reap the benefits from your credit card issuing bank. If you do not renew your HDB season parking is in a timely manner, short-term parking charges would apply.
How do I transfer HDB Season Parking?
If you have changed your vehicle or moved to a new home, you will need to permanently transfer your HDB season parking. You can do this via the “Permanent Transfer of Season Parking” e-Service or the Mobile@HDB app. Approval is subject to the availability of parking lots.
There may be differences in charges if you are transferring to a different type of vehicle or car park. For instance, if you’re transferring the season parking from a motorcycle (S$15) to a car (S$80), you’ll need to pay the difference of S$65 for a lot in a surface car park. Conversely, if you’re changing from a car to a motorcycle, you’ll get a refund on the difference in season parking charges.
How do I cancel HDB Season Parking?
Don’t need your HDB season parking anymore? Cancel it via the “Termination of Season Parking” e-Service or the Mobile@HDB app. HDB will refund you the unexpired season parking charges. However, do note that as season parking is for long-term parking, you can only cancel your season parking after utilising it for at least 1 full calendar month. For first-time purchase, you may buy the season parking on a pro-rated basis for the current month and whole of the following month. Such first-time purchase cannot be terminated.
Anne purchased the season parking from 5 July 2021 (on pro-rated basis for July 2021) and full month of August 2021. She wishes to cancel the season parking from 20 July 2021 onwards. She would not be allowed to do so. However, if Anne had purchased the season parking from 5 July 2021 till the month of September 2021, she would be able to cancel September 2021’s season parking and obtain a refund.
This article was adapted from 99.co, Singapore’s fastest growing property platform for information like resale HDBs for sale and rent in Singapore. Check out the original article on 99.co.