Will You BTO With Me?

For many young couples, nothing screams #adulting louder than buying their first home together. From working out the sums (fret not, there is a flat for every budget and need!), to sorting out decorating decisions, the homeownership journey is part nerve-wrecking, part exciting, but overall, very fulfilling.

In celebration of HDB’s 60th anniversary, we spoke to 2 young couples who are looking forward to creating a cosy home they can call their own.

Waiting for their Flat

Daesia and Zhong Wei first met on a double date, and were 4 years into their relationship when they spoke about buying a flat together.

“We knew we were serious about each other and talked about settling down. At that time, Daesia was still in the final year of university and I had only been working for a year. As we had limited financial resources, our chief concern was whether we could afford a flat,” Zhong Wei shares.

The couple soon realised that their fears were unfounded.

“There were actually generous housing grants in place for young couples like us and we were especially happy when we found out that we were eligible for the staggered down payment scheme as we were below 30 years old,” Daesia says. “With this scheme, we only needed to pay half of our down payment when we selected our flat, while we build up our CPF savings to pay the remainder when we collect the keys,” she explains.

Daesia and Zhong Wei chose a flat in Tampines to be close to their families

The couple’s 5-room flat at Tampines North is currently under construction but they are already looking forward to exploring their new town and building a life together. “We’re really excited about growing together as a couple and family in our new home,” they say.

Recently Moved In!

Also new residents of Canberra are Shahidah and Taufiq, who moved into their 4-room flat last December.

Shahidah and Taufiq moved into their new home in Canberra late last year

“We got increasingly excited when the key collection date drew closer, and even started browsing for home appliances three months in advance,” Taufiq laughs. “It turned out to be a good thing because when we decided to move in, we had most of what we needed to live comfortably in our new home.”

The couple came up with most of the renovation ideas for their Scandinavian-look home, and worked with an interior designer to bring the concept to life. This included Shahidah’s open-concept kitchen, and Taufiq’s glass-doored ‘man cave’.

In the works: the couple opted for the open kitchen concept

“We are hands-on home owners, and enjoyed picking out the materials for the flooring and carpentry. It was so magical to see a space that we envisioned and created, slowly take shape,” Shahidah shares.

Outside the home, the couple love exploring their new neighbourhood. “There are running trails in Sembawang Park for some outdoor fun, and shopping malls such as Sembawang Shopping Centre and Northpoint for a spot of retail therapy. Plus, there’re also new amenities near our home such as a supermarket and coffee shops,” they say. “It is so convenient.”

This article was first published on 03 Feb 2020.

  • Adeline Ang

    Content producer who writes too much and edits too little. Usually has a cold brew coffee in one hand as she stalks you on social media with the other.